Active mobile-broadband subscriptions Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Analogue fixed-telephone lines Annual foreign investment in telecommunications Annual investment in telecommunication services Basic-rate ISDN subscriptions Cable modem Internet subscriptions Dedicated mobile-broadband subscriptions Direct-to-home (DTH) satellite antenna subscriptions Domestic fixed-to-fixed telephone traffic, in minutes Domestic Internet bandwidth, in Mbit/s Domestic Internet traffic Domestic mobile-telephone traffic, in minutes DSL Internet subscriptions Fixed (wired) Internet subscriptions Fixed (wired)-broadband - price of excess usage Fixed (wired)-broadband cap, in GB Fixed (wired)-broadband connection charge Fixed (wired)-broadband monthly subscription charge Fixed (wired)-broadband speed, in Mbit/s Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, by technology Fixed telephone subscriptions Fixed telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Fixed-telephone numbers ported Fixed-to-mobile telephone traffic, in minutes Full-time equivalent telecommunication employees Full-time equivalent telecommunication employees, by female Full-time equivalent telecommunication, employees, by male Installation fee for business telephone service Installation fee for residential telephone service International incoming fixed-telephone traffic, in minutes International incoming mobile traffic, in minutes International Internet bandwidth (bps) per Internet user International Internet bandwidth, in Mbit/s International outgoing fixed-telephone traffic, in minutes International outgoing mobile traffic, in minutes Mobile- broadband subscriptions Mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Mobile-cellular - cheapest recharge card value Mobile-cellular numbers ported Mobile-cellular prepaid - price of a one-minute local call (off-peak, off-net) Mobile-cellular prepaid - price of a one-minute local call (off-peak, on-net) Mobile-cellular prepaid - price of a one-minute local call (peak, off-net) Mobile-cellular prepaid - price of a one-minute local call (peak, on-net) Mobile-cellular prepaid connection charge Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, by speed of data access Monthly subscription for business telephone service Monthly subscription for residential telephone service Multichannel TV subscriptions none Number of Data Centre (Government-Owned) Number of Data Centre (Private-Owned) Number of Internet Exchange Points - IXPs (Government-Owned) Number of Internet Exchange Points - IXPs (Private-Owned) Number of Internet subscriptions (mobile and fixed) Number of SIM registration per operator Number of SIM registration per person Number of submarine cable landing points Other telecommunication revenue Percent female Internet users Percentage contribution of ICT to the national GDP Percentage of fixed-telephone subscriptions in urban areas Percentage of fixed-telephone subscriptions that are residential Percentage of individuals using the Internet Percentage of localities with telephone service Percentage of localities with telephone service Percentage of the land area covered by mobile-cellular network Percentage of the population covered by a mobile cellular telephone network Percentage of the population covered by at least a 3G mobile network Population Price of a three-minute local call to a fixed-telephone line, off-peak rate Price of a three-minute local call to a fixed-telephone line, peak rate Price of a three-minute local call to a mobile-cellular phone, off-peak rate Price of a three-minute local call to a mobile-cellular phone, peak rate Primary-rate ISDN subscriptions PWLAN access points Revenue Contribution of ICT to the National GDP Revenue from all telecommunication services Revenue from fixed (wired) Internet services Revenue from fixed value-added telecommunication services Revenue from fixed-telephone services Revenue from international inbound roaming Revenue from leased lines Revenue from mobile networks Revenue from other wireless-broadband services Roaming by foreign subscribers (inbound roaming), in minutes Roaming by home subscribers abroad (outbound roaming), in minutes Satellite broadband subscriptions SMS international SMS sent SMS West Africa Standard mobile-broadband subscriptions Terrestrial fixed wireless broadband subscriptions Terrestrial multichannel TV subscriptions Total international incoming telephone traffic, in minutes Total international outgoing telephone traffic, in minutes. Total number of fixed-telephone operators Total number of mobile operators Total West African region Incoming traffic calls to national mobile network (in minutes). Total West African region Outgoing traffic calls from national mobile network (in minutes). Total Wireless broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants VoIP subscriptions VoIP traffic, in minutes Wireless-broadband subscriptions
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024